Previous projects
Here below you may find some examples of our previous projects.
Improving customers’ well being during waiting time at the bank
This consultancy project was based on the assumption that reductions of the workforce inbanks causes frustration for both customers and personnel, and that this will have a negative impact on the banks profitability in the long run. The assignment for ABC was therefore to perform a customer survey in one bank in order to find possible solutions that decrease this particular frustration among the customers. The empirical part of the survey consisted of approx. 300 questionnaires and 25 more profound interviews. Five of these interviews were of benchmarking-nature with other, similar service providers. The result of the project was a written report based on the outcome of the customer survey. The conclusion of the report included a guide of nine recommendations for the bank.

Strategies for a B2B company
In this consultancy project, the consultants were asked to develop a marketing- and sales strategy for a company operating on the business-to-business market. The customer was in need of an effective marketing- and sales strategy for a new product that was about to be launched. The project was divided into two parts; the first part consisted of a theoretical framework and methodology for the analysis and the second part was the actual empirical study which consisted of qualitative interviews. The empirical study consisted of interviews with eight carefully chosen respondents from different potential customer companies on the segment market. The interviews gave a great deal of information about the expectations and needs of the segment market. After the analysis of the research material, the consultants made a six step guide including the use of the developed strategy and some advices on how to implement it.

Students’ choice of insurance company
The customer, an insurance company, wanted to know the factors that influence students’ when they are choosing their insurance company. The consultancy projects purpose was to describe and analyze factors that influence students, choices of insurance companies and to provide the insurance company with information that helps them to effectively reach the specific target group. In order to thoroughly research this particular problem, the consultants conducted a survey where 200 respondents were asked to answer questions about factors influencing their choice of insurance company and about factors that they appreciate in their insurance companies. The project was divided into two parts; a theoretical part consisting of a review of existing literature and an empirical part consisting of a survey. The final result of the project was presented in a written report based on the results from the survey and on relevant theories from the literature. The consultants also clearly illustrated the result in the report by implementing the survey results on existing marketing models.
Perception of a company's image
The customer, an auction house, requested an image survey that would clarify the perceived image of the company among its customers. The auction house was about to further develop its services, and this project would also function as the basis for that development. The consultancy project was divided in two phases, one theoretical and one empirical. The theoretical phase consisted of a literature study and review of the key
points from literature. This literature study functioned as a basis for the empirical part where the consultants created a questionnaire together with the employer. The questionnaire was sent to 555 customers, and out of these, 174 were returned. These answers were analyzed and the findings were presented to the employer. The survey resulted in a clearer view of the customers, perceived image of the auction house, and the consultants were also able to provide the employer with some further recommendations that would improve the perceived image and service quality for their customers.